Monday, July 30, 2007

Exercise TY

Discovery Exercise

1. Can't answer

2. Can't answer

3. Can't answer

4. Can't answer

5. Can't answer

The reason for all of the answers being can't answer were because there is a picture with no description of who the people in the photo are exactly, so there are a few possibilities.There is nothing stated factually.

Chapter 12 TY

Deductive Reasoning

The word deductive means to lead away.We as humans learn deduction through the study of formal logic.Logic is the science of good reasoning.I remember an exercise in class that we did that involved deductive reasoning, it was called ZEBRA. That exercise was challenging and required the understanding of the many ways to help yourself deduct items. Some of those ways are to set up charts or graphs or to draw pictures.

Chapter 11 TY

Inductive Reasoning and Inductive fallacy

The word induction means to lead in.Inductive reasoning is a method used to discover new information or to supply missing information.To inductive reason one may need to use their sensory observation, analogical reasoning, reasoning from enumeration, discover patterns, reasoning with an hypotheses, and reasoning through statistics and probability.
To lead in fallacy one may need to use loaded questions, a false analogy, a slippery slope, and a false cause.I tend to use a slippery slope the majority of the time in my arguing, because I tend to unconsciously like to start arguments.

Chapter 10 TY


A fallacy is a statement or argument that presents itself as soundly reasoned when it is not.In an argument when a key word with several meanings is left undefined;this is fallacy of word ambiguity.The fallacy of prejudicial language is an attempt to persuade through loaded words that convey a bias.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Chapter 9 TY

This chapter was about arguments.Arguments are based on issues that are presented at the time.An issue can be described as a controversial problem that produces different arguments pros and cons.I speak for myself in saying that there are at least on average four arguments between family members in my home a day.

Chapter 8 TY

This chapter discussed viewpoints.Viewpoints can be consciously or unconsciously assumed by yourself or by someone else.Unconscious viewpoints include egocentric, ethnocentric, religiocentric, androcentric, and anthropocentric.Writers shape their stories through their choice of viewpoint.When we communicate we should be able to respect the viewpoints of others and be able to understand our own viewpoints.

Exercise 5c

Identifying Topics in Paragraphs

1. The topic is Values

2. The topic is Harry

3. The topic is Advertising

4. The topic is Ribs

5. The topic is Functuality